WELCOME to casa
The aim of the group is simple
“Sharing the Art with Friendship and Harmony”

Cake and sugar artists of nsw inc
Under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009
Demonstration days, whenever and wherever possible. This would encourage our own decorators (or overseas visitors) to share their talents in either demonstrations or workshops in various areas of the State.
Members will enjoy Public Liability coverage and Product and Public Liability Insurance is available for those cake decorators working from home.
Judges Corner
Regular Judges, Steward and Demonstrator training to ensure that up to date modern trends and techniques are being practised.
Sugar Gems
The Sugar Gems Newsletter is produced quarterly with as much information as we can gather. All Members will be encouraged to add content to the journal, and gives Members an opportunity to showcase their work.
Photos of cakes from local shows or demonstration days and major events for everyone to enjoy.
Fee Schedule
New Members
Applicants seeking Membership are required to forward the Application Form enclosed to the Registrar.
Upon Membership acceptance, the Registrar will forward to you an invoice for a joining fee of $10.00 plus the yearly Membership fee of $35.00 totalling $45.00.
Members renewing their Membership after 30 June, will need to forward their yearly Membership Fee of $35.00.
If we do not receive a reply within the period specified we will assume that you do not wish to continue your Membership at the present time and you will need to re-submit your application for consideration if seeking Membership at a later time.